Does my course qualify for a T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificate tax credit?

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires the School of Continuing Studies to issue an official income tax receipt (known as a T2202) to qualifying students who meet all the following requirements:

  1. Are at least 16 years of age or older;
  2. Were enrolled in a specified educational program as defined by Canada Revenue Agency; and
  3. Paid tuition fees in respect of the calendar year of more than $100 for courses taken.

For more information regarding the T2202 eligibility criteria, please visit the CRA website.

Effective January 2020, the CRA requires that students provide their Social Insurance Number (SIN) to their educational institution to be displayed on their T2202 Tuition and Enrolment certificate.   

Special note:

As defined by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), the UofT SCS Boot Camp and Circuit Stream programs are not specified or qualifying educational programs under the taxation guidelines, and therefore not eligible for the federal tuition tax credit or the Ontario education and tuition tax credits.   For this reason, a Tuition and Enrolment Certificate (T2202) will not be issued for these programs.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I update my SIN?

If you have not provided your SIN number, please follow the instructions below to add this information to your account directly:

Go to your My Access account at the School.

  • On the left-hand navigation bar, click “My Profile”
  • Scroll down to the field entitled “Social Insurance Number”
  • Enter your SIN. Please do not insert spaces or dashes. The format should be nnnnnnnnn, e.g., 123456789.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click “Save"

How do I access my T2202 tax form?
You may view and print your T2202 document online from My Access, your personal student account on our website.  The T2202 will be available near the end of February for eligible courses taken during the preceding calendar year.

Note: The T2202 form will be available on the MyAccess Page for tax years from 2017 onwards. In accordance to the CRA, tax forms will not be provided for years beyond seven calendar years from the current tax year. For courses completed between the 2015 and 2017 tax calendar years, please email


What fees are not eligible for my T2202?
Materials and administrative fees are not eligible for tax deduction.

Further questions about your tax return?
In-depth questions regarding the use of the T2202 form should be directed to the CRA.

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