Campus Wifi

Most of the buildings on all three of our campuses have wifi coverage that learners are welcome to use. For maps of coverage and more information, please visit this website.

In order to log onto the campus wifi, you need to have active UTORid or qqID credentials.  

UTORid Credentials 

Whether you already have a UTORid, or need one to be created for you, please submit a TCard Permission Letter Request form. 

Remember to activate your UTORid before you try to access the wifi system. If you are re-activating your UTORid, no further actions are required. 

qqID Credentials

If your course uses Quercus, our online learning management system, you will be emailed a qqID three days before the start of your class.  

Please follow the below instructions to access the wireless network while on campus: 

  1. Open your Network Settings and choose View Available Wireless Networks.
  2. Left-click on the wireless network icon and click on UofT.
  3. Click the Connect
  4. Type your UTORid/qqID and Password
  5. If you see a warning message that the credentials provided by the server could not be verified, click Connect.

For detailed instructions on how to connect to UofT’s wireless service when on campus please visit this website.

For all of our registration options, please visit this Help Center article

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